


Planning a BBQ is like Planning Your Estate

For many, Memorial Day weekend sets the tone for the summer season, beckoning outdoor festivities such as lively backyard barbecues. Although barbecues are generally casual get-togethers, meticulous preparation is essential for a memorable event. Similarly, thorough planning is crucial when it comes to estate planning. Just as you would carefully organize a BBQ, timely estate […]

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10 Types of Trusts

Navigating the vast array of trusts can appear overwhelming when creating your estate plan. However, as estate planning attorneys, we handle these matters every day. With our knowledge of the laws, we can design a customized plan that addresses your specific needs. Here’s a brief overview of ten common types of trusts to provide you

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Retirement Planning: Key Considerations for a Smooth Transition

The start of retirement marks a significant milestone in life, and it’s a cause for celebration. However, before you embark on this exciting new journey, it’s essential to ensure that you’ve thought through all the necessary aspects of this phase of life. Retirement brings certain estate planning issues that you need to consider carefully. If

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Can a Trust Own My Business After I Die?

The short answer is yes, your trust can retain ownership of your business following your demise. However, several considerations come into play that may influence the outcome. One crucial factor is the type of business interest you possess, such as a limited liability company (LLC), partnership, corporation, or sole proprietorship. Another important consideration is how

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What is Medi-Cal & What are the Key Features?

Medi-Cal is a publicly funded healthcare program in California, United States. It provides comprehensive medical coverage to low-income individuals and families who meet certain eligibility requirements. Medi-Cal is administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and is part of the larger Medicaid program at the federal level. Key features of Medi-Cal include:

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Estate planning and personal ethics

Many people hold to personal ethics that they wish to reflect in their estate plan. If you find yourself in this category, there are several strategies you can consider: Charitable giving A properly executed estate plan can provide for donations to a charity from your estate. Specific amounts and specific charities can be stipulated in a living trust, which

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